About me
M.D. in computer science
Graduated from the University of Bologna with a thesis on high-performance computing on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)
Researcher in image analysis
Researcher in medical imaging at the Department of Physics at University of Bologna
Requirement analysis, design and development of full software vertical solutions, directly tailored on the end user requests.
Involved as a senior developer in different multi-agency projects with agile methodology.
Programming languages
- Java
- C#
- TypeScript
- Javascript
- C++
Tools and IDE
- Git
- Eclipse
- Visual Studio
- Maven
- JasperReports
Frameworks and libraries
- Spring
- JUnit
- Angular
- AngularJS
- Hibernate
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- OpenCV
- Asp.net webforms
Operating systems
- Linux
- Windows
- Android
Wezen Technologies, S.r.l.
Development of a Health Information System (HIS) using Java (J2EE), Hibernate, AngularJS and Bootstrap
Development of an Order Placer for healthcare using the Spring framework, Hibernate, AngularJS and Bootstrap
Medical Imaging Group - Department of Physics - Università di Bologna
HPC development of the SART algorithm for 3D reconstruction of digital breast tomograms with CUDA.
Development of an invariant segmentation algorithm in the C language for both analog and digital mammographies from different plates, based on the ranklet filter.
Lectures about the openCV libraries used in image analysis.
Development of a Cloud ERP for chauffeur service with the framework Spring + Hibernate + Angular 8 + Bootstrap + Jasper Server
HippoGroup Cesenate S.p.A.
Development of an ERP vertical solution for bingo halls, focused on HR management and business analysis, using C# ASP.NET.
Development of a native Android app for employee attendance recording, based on NFC cards and API integration with the corporate ERP.